(303) 364-7569
Paving & Asphalt Services · Concrete Maintenance
Concrete Services
Patching is a temporary repair. Over time the patch will become loose and break apart depending on traffic and weight and thickness of the patch.
Remove and replace
Used when the concrete has deteriorated to where there is a trip hazard, large cracks or pitting, or is broken.
Concrete grinding is best used to level uneven raised concrete surfaces, although the appearance may not be as aesthetically pleasing as new concrete, the cost is much less.
Concrete Slabs
Concrete Curb & Gutter
Concrete Sidewalks
Concrete Driveways
Concrete Patios
Concrete Walkways
Concrete Dumpster Pads
Patch or Replace?
Although we only recommend patching concrete when post tension cables are present. Here are a few questions to help you decide if you should patch your old concrete or completely tear it out and replace it? Here are some things to consider.
Assess the damage. If your concrete is spalled or has broken, the surface is probably weakened, will continue to deteriorate, and patches most likely will not last very long.
Is appearance important? A patch will not match the old concrete. Even after weathering for a few years, the new patch will probably still not match.
Whatever the situation, we will be able to assist and provide you with good advice and honest information. We typically start with a site visit and meeting with you to determine your needs and then give you a FREE proposal and estimate.